Young voices

Agenda4change - Engaging young voices across north Northamptonshire

change makers

Addressing issues that impact local communities

Discussing issues that matter to young people in the local community and brainstorming practical solutions to tacking it.

Helping people understand local issue how it impacts them and what they can collectively do about it.

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Help in promoting diversity and leading by example
Giving young people a voice in their local community to be part of the progressive change and help shape the communities they live in.

Creative Thinking

Create space for innovative ideas that can help shape the local community positively


Helping people in the local community harness and use their voices to bring about lasting change.


Promoting respect for others and encouraging involvement and participation in community initiatives at all levels.

Thinking local acting global
Standing in solidarity with all children struggling across the world
Collaborating with others across the world to give voice to the voiceless
Creating safer spacers for children
Taking care of our planet and finding local solutions against climate change
Helping and facilitating a growth mindset
How our actions do have an impact across borders
Shining the light on child cruelty
Connecting people across generations for a shared life experience to address a common life issue that impacts them all.