
1. Confidence 2. Bringing people together to think about what change they want to see 3. Empowerment 4.Taking ownership at local level 5. Promoting respect for others and participation from diverse people 6. Build resilience, relationships, and alliances with other groups. 7. Helping people develop their own leadership
Provide a platform to discuss and take action on what can be done at a local level in the fight against climate change and its impact on the next generation.
We Empower, Collaborate and support especially young people to play an active part in the change they would like to see in their communities.
We create space for constructive thinking and challenge and for the voice of ethnic minority groups to be heard.
Our Aim
Creating a more integrated society where people from diverse backgrounds will be part of the progressive change in our communities and in so doing become role models for the future generation

Impact of Plastics in the Ocean

Impact on wildlife


Rising Temperatures

Change at the local level

Effects of Pollution

1. Strength in Diversity
Change is only possible when we acknowledge there is a problem that must be resolved and resources and personnel are made available to bring about change.

2. Intergration
When others feel like they are being a burden or are not listened to due to their inability to communicate effectively they turn to stay within their familiar bubble and find it hard to integrate. This can be resolved through the provision of our services that will enable these people to acquire the basic knowledge to break down those barriers limiting them to reach their fullest potential and become part of the progressive change in the community in which they live.

3. Assurance
This program will ensure that young people especially ethnic minority groups get involved in issues that impact them at a local level and become part of the change needed to improve the communities in which they live.